What is the Americal Foreclosure Conspiracy?

When it comes to the subprime mortgage crisis between 2007-2010, there was no single entity or individual at whom we could point the finger. Instead, this mess was the collective creation of the world’s central banks, lenders, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors. The subprime mortgage crisis was the collective creation of the world’s central banks, homeowners, lenders, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors. Lenders were the biggest culprits, freely granting loans to people who couldn’t afford them because of free-flowing capital following the dotcom bubble. Borrowers who never imagined they could own a home were taking on loans they knew they may never be able to afford. Investment banks, ratings agencies, and hedge funds also had a role to play in the subprime mess. Investors hungry for big returns (CREATED) and bought mortgage-backed securities at ridiculously low premiums, fueling demand for more subprime mortgages.

The American Foreclosure Conspiracy is the story about Barbara Bratton and the continuation of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States until today. Where The American Foreclosure Conspiracy differs is that it explains how the conspiracy permeated to the local county and city level. Here at RHEMA, we believe we have enough evidence that shows in the case of Barbara Bratton; that in San Bernardino County in Southern California the unlawful detainer court, local sheriff, county recorder’s office, county auditor, and District Attorney’s office since 2007 until present day have preyed upon law abiding citizens by illegally having them kicked out of their home through a web of intentional fraud and deceit!


Rhema is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Rhema was originally established on October 2, 2009, in San Bernardino County in Southern California to serve local residents through the education of and about the illegal foreclosure, mortgage, and financial fraud process that has been and is still taking place in the United States.


What We’re Doing

RHEMA’S approach to the AMERICAN FORECLOSURE CONSPIRACY IS SIMPLE. To create a sustainable honest American Housing system that truly works for everyone. Ultimate TRANSPARENCY, HONESTY, and ACCOUNTABILTY must be present.  This website and RHEMA hope to be one of the catalysts that creates this everlasting needed change in American Housing.

RHEMA believes in but IS not limited to~~~~~~

  • Fair Housing = Equal Opportunity
  • Freedom from Fraud in LENDING
  • Freedom from Financial Fraud in American housing industry
  • Freedom from ILLEGAL Mortgage Fraud in American Housing
  • Fixing the broken United States housing system by addressing the American Foreclosure Conspiracy!

We Can Make the Difference

We can do more “Together”
then we can alone

When certain groups of people are deliberately targeted or enticed into illegally losing their home through mortgage, real estate, financial, or lending FRAUD; EQUAL OPPRTUNITY In HOUSING is not truly being granted.


We Can Make The Difference

Social Awareness

This picture below shows Barbara Bratton approaching current Vice President of the United States, former California Attorney General Kamala Harris about foreclosure fraud, her illegal foreclosure, and financial fraud committed against her. We as a people must confront our LOCAL, STATE, and NATIONAL representatives about this issue. We must speak in town halls, city council meetings, county board meetings, as well as online. We must speak amongst ourselves and even more to people who do not want to listen or do not understand this huge problem that is not going away.

The word RHEMA is open to a few interpretations and is Greek in origin. Rhema means a spoken word or utterance. It can be uttered Individually, Collectively, or Specifically on a particular matter or topic. Our topic being FRAUD In AMERICAN HOUSING. Further, Rhema means through this utterance or thing said, that light shall shine upon the darkness and REVEAL the TRUTH.