Above we see the prosecution ask me for the proof that Kamala Harris confirmed that my loan was fraudulent. I was never allowed to show my proof and my documentation that substantiated my claims.

When my home was fraudulently taken from me, they also made sure they took every piece of paper in my home that helped my case. Like the letter from Governor Brown.
Below we see the prosecution insinuate that I was lying to the court and try to threaten me like I was some child who needed to be reminded about being honest because that person would be in court the next day.

On page 340 below we see me explaining to the prosecution that I tried making the payments and I had my documentation to prove it. Payments were declined, and because of those declined payments, MY HOME WENT INTO FORECLOSURE.

On page 346 below lines 7-16 we see that the DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE answered my complaint in 2012 after they investigated. They reported back that THEY SEE REASON FOR CIVIL, CRIMINAL, AND CONTRACTUAL FAULTS.

Here on page 348 below I make it crystal clear the ESSENCE OF WHY I WENT and did a CORRECTION OF GRANT DEED. I got a letter from the SECRETARY OF STATE AT THE TIME who is now the Vice President and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, stating that that the TRUSTEE DEED UPON SALE COULD NOT BE AUTHENTICATED BECAUSE LINDA PEREZ’S LICENSE HAD BEEN REVOKED AND HER SIGNATURE DID NOT MATCH ON THE trustee deed upon SALE.

I completely thought that if this TRUSTEE DEED UPON SALE WAS BASED OFF OF LIES and FRAUD, I could then do what I needed to PRESEVRE MY FAMILY HOME!