Barbara Bratton’s public defender Randal Isaeff next directed Ms. Benight’s attention to page 28 below. He specifically, brought her attention to the entry on February 8, 2012, at 1539 in the afternoon. The paragraph starts with the Management RVW Response Letter. Ms. Benight acknowledged this. Mr. Isaeff then stated “it looks like this is in regard to a letter that was sent to the customer’s property address by USPS?
Ms. Benight replied YES, it was a letter that said something, mentioned review response letter has been sent to customer property address via UPS. Meaning we received a letter from the borrower, and this is their response letter, a response to that letter, which the letters are sometimes known as QWR.
Ms. Benight was asked what a QWR is? She responded saying its terminology that the federal government came out with when they started the MMS program. It is called a qualified written response, a written request, where the borrower sends in a qualified written request for information. Those are known as NOE or notice of error. She then reiterated, again, these are terminology acronyms that the government and treasury department have come up with.

Next, Mr. Isaeff directed Ms. Benight to page 27 below, under the entry February 9, 2012, at 9:30 in the morning. It shows that M1/Barbara Bratton calling in. Ms. Benight replies YES. Mr. Isaeff then said it looks like from the SPS call log that she was inquiring whether the sale of the property was going to be stopped; is that right? Ms. Benight responded with YES. Mr. Isaeff then stated towards the end of this entry we see Barbara Bratton mention to whoever was working at SPS THAT SHE HAD NOT RECEIVED MONTHLY BILLS OR BREAKDOWN OF WHAT WAS OWED. This is against the law. Ms. Benight replied YES, she sees this.
Mr. Isaeff then stated in this entry Barbara also mentions and FTC agreement (Federal Trade Commission) that she believed SPS WAS IN VIOLATION OF, IS THAT RIGHT? Ms. Benight responded with a YES.

Ms. Benight was then directed to page 24 of the call log below. The entry was for March 12 of 2012 at 9:50 in the morning. Ms. Benight confirmed that she saw this. Mr. Isaeff stated that it looked like M1/Barbara Bratton called into customer service. Mr. Isaeff then said what the employee said “Liz Pendens” on the home papers should arrive to us, that we should not sell home, that she is representing herself and that a lawyer is no longer representing her. Ms. Benight confirmed seeing this entry.

Below we see Barbara Bratton’s public defender ask Ms. Benight if she HAD LOOKED THROUGH ALL OF THESE PAPERS BEFORE SHE CAME IN TODAY? She stated that she read through them although she did not read everything word for word.
Mr. Isaeff then asked if there was any documentation or entries that the family is going to be allowed to purchase the property? Ms. Benight responded that the “entries she saw indicate that SPS was not able to get all of the documentation that was needed as far as being able to purchase the property.” Meaning they were not able to get all of the proof of funds, hardship affidavit, a hardship letter, proof of funds, purchase contract, that type of information.”
Mr. Isaeff then asked an agent’s request of what the house is worth? Do the records show those things came through? Ms. Benight responded with NO.