In April of 2013 I did a quit claim deed, which is a legal instrument that is used to transfer interest in real property. This was done on my part because I had received valid information that FRAUD HAD BEEN COMMITTED AGAINST ME. While I was still investigating my case, I learned that FRAUD ON THE DOCUMENTS used to sell my home was committed. This new validation of what my gut had been telling me all along only made my RESOLVE STRONGER TO FIND THE TRUTH, as well as there being a real possibility of me getting my home back. At the exact moment I filed these deeds I believed the foreclosure was FRAUDULENT, and my only INTENT was to get my home back because it was taken from me fraudulently.

Below we see the Prosecution try to paint a picture to the jury that I am some type of little child that files lawsuits against public officials because I filed a complaint against Ontario Police Department retired officer Brian Hurst. I was instructed to file a complaint on 7/3/2012.

Below we see the prosecution try to turn a simple deed that I found online into a conspiracy of me being a sovereign citizen.