Above we see my public defender try to get four documents entered into evidence. The judge stated that the documents were demonstrative. Specifically, he stated that the documents corroborated my testimony but as documents which were admitted because they have sufficient foundation for the truth and veracity and reliability, the judge did not know if that has been shown because there hasn’t been any custodian of records. This could have easily been remedied but this entire case was about making it as hard for me to vindicate myself as possible.
My public defender then wrongly stated above that he was not seeking to admit the documents for the TRUTH, but only to prove the point to the jury that I had some verification regarding some of the issues that I testified about. This is wrong because verification is the truth. It is just not the truth that they wanted to hear. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT MANY DOCUMENTS THAT WOULD HAVE EXONERATED ME WERE CONVENIENTLY STOLEN FROM ME BY THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE when they entered my home.
Below we see the judge state that if admitted into evidence the jury has a right to take them, to scrutinize them, to go line by line, but that can’t be allowed because they have not been verified. Then my lawyer says that he will submit the documents on the issues as long as the prosecution is not going to be allowed to get up and say that there is no proof or any corroboration to her testimony. He then stated that it would be unfair for me to provide some type of corroboration to my story but then allow the prosecution to say that there is none.

Below we see the judge say that because the documents were not admitted into evidence for the jury’s consideration, and there is no verification of the authenticity of the documents, the people have a well-made argument. In reality, the only reason these documents were not admitted for the jury’s consideration right away was because many of my documents were stolen or mysteriously lost when people illegally went into my home and took it from me.

My lawyer went on to make a request for the court to take judicial notice of the fact that those are in fact court files with cases involving Barbara Bratton.