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Prosecutions Witness-JAMES WERN- Field Manager for SOUTH HILLS PROPERTIES. (59)

By February 25, 2023No Comments
James Wern was called next on behalf of the people. He stated that South Hills Properties have a number of properties that are assigned to them by banks that are in foreclosure and that they also have investors that have properties that they manage. He specifically said that he was the one who is out in the field checking on properties on a weekly basis to make sure they are in good condition. He also mentioned that one of his duties was to manage some of the evictions and cases where they have people that are occupying the property that has been foreclosed upon. He stated that he was the one who actually went out to the evictions.
Mr. Wern was asked by Vance Welch if prior to July 3, 2012, if he attended an unlawful detainer hearing where I was present? He stated that he was and identified me in court. He then explained that the bank took possession of the property, and it was assigned to go to the Sheriff’s department for eviction. He then explained how he was at the Bratton property on July 3, 2012, because he represented the bank, and they are there to meet the Sheriff’s department and they do the eviction and then they give us the written possession stating that we now have possession of the property.
He then told the court to the best of his recollection my sister Brenda was there with my mom. He explained how my sister and mom left the home and he changed all the locks and doorknobs. He then said that the house was secure and that no one was able to lawfully access the property but him. He told the jury how he went back on July 5th, 2012, two days after the actual eviction and found my sister Brenda and my mom there. He the stated that HE FOUND MY MOM SLEEPING IN HER BED WHEN HE ARRIVED. THIS WOULD MAKE COMPLETE SENSE BECAUSE THATS WHAT THE MATRIARCH OF THE FAMILY HAS EARNED THE RIGHT TO DO. TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY IN HER HOME.
He then lied under oath and stated that me and my mother jimmy rigged the sliding glass door to unlawfully get in. He then went back on the 10th of July to do a weekly inspection and he said he FOUND that I HAD MOVED BACK IN. He then explained how he called the police and I left. On the 31st of July 2012, there WAS A PROTEST GOING ON WITH MANY PARTICIPANTS AND BANNERS. The police were called, and the protest was disbanded.