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By February 25, 2023October 23rd, 2024No Comments
Above we see me explaining to an incompetent district attorney about California law. We also see my public defender object because the prosecution was arguing with me. We again see the prosecution make up wildly laddish scenarios trying to make it appear as If I was insane or delusional. This happens on the next page below as well.
Above you see me calmly and rationally try to explain to the prosecution my mindset and he totally disregarded it.
See lines 6-9 below. U.S. Bank bought the property at the TRUSTEE SALE and then THEY granted it to Mr. Guevara? THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. THIS IS A COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE LIE CONDUCTED TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A CRIMINAL. Then you see Welch again trying to paint me as having a problem with Mr. Guevara.
Below is an email from U.S. Bank dated July 16, 2012. Salvador Guevara claims he purchased Barbara Bratton’s property on 11/17/2012 at the auction from U.S Bank. However, U.S BANK claims in their email sent on July 16, 2012, only three months before Mr. Guevara SUPPOSEDLY bought my home from U.S. BANK, that they were NEITHER THE MORTGAGOR, NOR SERVICER OF THE MORTAGE. The mortgage servicer is actually an independent third-party company and not a subsidiary of U.S. BANK.
This is U.S BANK DISAVOWING SELLING THE BRATTON PROPERTY. So why did Mr. Guevara, say he bought my home at auction from U.S Bank? BECAUSE IT WAS A FLAT-OUT LIE.